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What You Might Not Know

Most people who suffer from imbalanced pH are too acidic.


This condition forces the building to borrow minerals including calcium , sodium , potassium and magnesium from vital organs and bones to buffer or neutralize the acid and safely remove it from the body.


The body can suffer severe and promote damage due to high acidity.


Assists with good hydration preventing diseases and Degeneration.


Dehydrated cartilage increases friction forces to the joints resulting in joint deterioration (Osteoarthritis) and pain.


The fluid stored in your spinal discs support the approximately 75% of the upper body's weight and is dependent on the hydraulic effects of water stored in the spinal discs.


Improves immunity and Antioxidant Activity In the Body


By changing water into an alkaline reduced state and enriching it with minerals, our water protects your body from external stress and disturbances.


The proper level of alkalinity in the body boost the immune system by restoring the body to it’s proper pH balance. A healthy immune system helps the body fight colds or infections.


Assist in prevention of Premature Aging and Tissue Damage.

Drinking our water assist in the removal of free radicals (toxins) in the body.
Free radicals are a principle cause of aging, tissue damage and disease in the body.


Assist in Weight Loss and Fatigue Syndromes

Our bodies rely on water for waste elimination and flushing toxins – our water enhances that process.


Good water does not have any side-effects. If the water we drink has health enhancing properties which alleviate and prevent diseases, well then we have to drink our way to good health.


Our SWITCH H2o Water Converter is not a medical device.
It is a tool to support and assist the human body and its functions to obtain optimal health and balance


What is pH


pH refers to how alkaline or how acidic a substance is since the pH scale ranges from 1 to 14 substances measured at pH 7 are considered neutral while substances above 7 are alkaline and those below are acidic.


Your body functions ideally within a narrow pH range of about 7.35 to 7.45 which is slightly alkaline. Proper body pH is an important factor in maintaining and obtaining good health.


What is oxidative reduction potential?


Oxidation is what causes an apple to turn brown once it's cut or metal to rust, thus causing it to the deteriorate and weaken. This oxidation happens to our bodies resulting in premature aging.


A reducing agent is something which inhibits or slows this process of oxidation.

Our water does just that; the water becomes a reducing agent which slows the oxidation process by “donating” electrons.

In other words the SWITCH H2o Converted Water becomes antioxidant.


Oxidative reduction potential is the measurement of the ability of a substance to acquire electrons and be reduced. In simple term it is a measurement value of how effective a substance is as an antioxidant.


The SWITCH H2o Converter Technology converts water into a powerful antioxidant, as measured by the Oxidative Reduction Potential value.


What causes one to be acidic?


The reason acidity (acidosis) is common in our society is mostly due to the typical modern diet, which is far too high in acid-producing animal products like meat , eggs and dairy , and far to low in alkaline-producing foods like fresh vegetables. In addition many medical drugs are extremely acidic, increasing the overall acidosis in our body.


Acidosis is the basic foundation of all disease.

We need to understand the simple process of alkalizing our body and the important role a properly alkaline body plays in restoring and maintaining our overall health. Our glands and organs function properly in exact proportion to the amount of alkaline and acidic levels in our system .


Change the Water , Change your Health

Good hydration is fundamental to health.

Our bodies are composed of approximately 70% water so it’s essential to keep ourselves hydrated. The dilemma for many people is… what is the best water to drink?


There are concerns about drinking tap water due to the possibility of it containing low levels of toxins such as heavy metals , pesticide residues , hormonal residues and water impurities.


Good water should be free of pollutants and contain beneficial minerals. However, good water should also have the ability to purify the blood , strengthen the immune system and help to counteract harmful free radicals.


Good water has been proven to have many beneficial health-promoting properties .


Why alkaline water ?

Oxygen-free radicals are among the most damaging molecules in the body as well they are electron deficient unstable . They are a principal cause of aging, tissue damage and disease in your body.


These unstable free radicals must get electrons from somewhere and will steal them from surrounding healthy body tissue . This damages the body tissue and contributes to an acidic environment.


If this damaged goes unchecked , it will contribute to a variety of diseases ranging from heart disease, cancer, arthritis, depressed immunity, hypertension , cataracts and many more.


SWITCH H2o is a rich source of electrons that can be donated to these free radicals in the body , neutralizing them and stopping them from damage healthy tissue .


Specifically, the negative ions from our SWITCH H2o Water Converter have the potential to engage the chemical reactions necessary to neutralize oxygen free radicals .


If someone was to ask us what is the one thing we do for better health, it would be to start drinking Alkaline Ionized, Mineral Water.


Are you ready to SWITCH?

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